
The event will be taking place in Curtin’s BankWest Lecture Theatre, which is in close proximity to Curtin’s Art Gallery, thus the Curtin’s HIVE. Please use the entrance of Curtin’s BankWest Lecture Theatre during 10th November, Thursday sessions, and during 11th November, Friday till 11am. On Friday after 11am, you can also use the main entrance of Curtin’s Gallery to access the HIVE facilities.

Curtin University,
John Curtin Gallery, Kent street, Bentley WA 6102, Australia



More information about Curtin’s BankWest Lecture Theatre is in building 200A, room 220LT. You can see the location from the campus map [here].

More information about Curtin’s HIVE on: http://humanities.curtin.edu.au/research/centres/hive/