2016 – [:Vis-Em-Ex:]

VISualization, emerging Media,
Vis-MX [:vis-em-ex:]

A Think-Tank and Forum for Collaboration,
Cross-Disciplinary Thinkers, and Visionaries

10th-11th November 2016
Curtin University – ’s HIVE
Perth, Australia



  • 07/11/2016: Please check the latest program version on [here] – the schedule has been updated!
  • 03/11/2016: The industry panel will be composed of Derrik Yaw (Co-Founder, Graph Studio), Sam Field (Periscope), James Lush (Lush, Founder/Director) and David Gribble (Constable Care Child Safety Foundation) check out the speaker’s page [here]
  • 01/11/2016: Full list of keynotes announced: Prof. Dr. Ted Selker confirmed his keynote as well, Prof. Bjoern Stockleben, and A/Prof. Tim Merritt will be giving talks at the event: check out the speaker’s page [here]
  • 19/10/2016: First keynotes confirmed: Prof. Bjoern Stockleben (Film University Babelsberg, Konrad Wolf, Germany) and Assoc.-Prof. Tim Merritt (Aarhus University, Denmark)
  • 01/10/2016: Download the CfP from [here (Text Format)] or from [here (PDF Format)]


Welcome to the 1st Western Australian Symposium on Visualization, Emerging Media, and User-Experience! The aim of the symposium is to lay ground for a yearly symposium and develop towards a leading forum for inter-disciplinary thinkers of industrial professionals, academics, and practitioners to discuss and present the latest emerging trends in media, visualization, human-computer interaction, and the use of new emerging technologies in industry-university cooperation in teaching and research.

The purpose of the symposium is to provide an inter-disciplinary event and gather a committed community to continue cooperating together beyond the event on other larger scale activities such as collaborative funding proposals, scientific events, industry-university collaborations, or simply other networking activities. The event consist of 4 major sub-events:

  • Keynote Talks
  • Industry Panel: Corporate Media
  • Exhibition: Visualisation and Interactive Media Exhibition
  • Academic Workshop

The main themes of the symposium address the following major tracks. The aims to attract visitors with backgrounds from industry, design, communication studies, computer science, or business.

  • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality
  • Information, Data, Knowledge, and Cultural Visualization
  • User-Experience, and Human-Computer-Interaction
  • Media Studies, Screen Arts, and Socio-Technological Environments
  • Digital Media and New Technologies in Education
  • Revenue Models, Digital Innovations, Policies, and Business Processes

Keynote Talks

  • Prof. Dr. Ted Selker, currently CTO of Foldimate, formerly director of Considerate Systems research at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, A/Prof. MIT Media Laboratory, IBM Fellow and director of User Systems Ergonomics Research at IBM, and consulting professor at Stanford University, taught at Hampshire, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Brown Universities and worked at Xerox PARC and Atari Research Labs
  • Prof. Bjoern Stockleben is professor for new media production at Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, holds a master’s degree in Media Technology and Computer Sciences from Technische Universität Braunschweig and Braunschweig University, workd in RBB Germany, and coordinated the Master programme Cross Media at University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal.
  • A/Prof. Tim Merrit, is associate professor at Aarhus University, Danmark, and his researched is focused on user-experience and design.

More information about the speakers [here]

Industry Panel: Corporate Media

  • James Lush – CEO/Founder of Lush Digital and ABC Radio presenter: major big players in WA content marketing and media production
  • Sam Fields – co-founder of Periscope Pictures: specialising in online documentary and transmedia projects
  • Melanie Santiago – founder of Contour Media: medium size organisation making corporate videos for NFP and the commercial sector
  • Derrik Yaw – multi-award winning Curtin Screen Arts graduate, based in KL
  • David Gribble – CEO Child Safety Foundation

More information about the speakers [here] and about the program [here]

Exhibition: Visualisation and Interactive Media

Latest works around the wider theme ‘Visualisation and Interactive Media’ will be presented during this event. Most of these works have been created by Curtin University students.

More information about the exhibition and the works [here]

Academic Workshop

The Academic Workshop is devoted to scientific paper presentations, around the main theme of VisMX. This event is part of the Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME) series, and shall act as a think tank of cross-disciplinary scholars. All publications will be published in Scopus indexed proceedings, and the very best contributions will be selected for a ERA ranked journal special issue.

More information about the exhibition an the works [here]


The event is free of charge and on a self-catering basis on Thursday. During the Friday event some snacks will be provided. If you like to attend the event, please register on Eventbrite under the following link .

Key-Dates for Academic Presenters

  • 31st October
    submission of position papers, joint project ideas, industry talks, posters, demos and award project proposals
  • 6th November
    acceptance notification
  • 27th November
    full papers due for academic presenters
  • a selected set of high-quality full-papers will be published within a journal special issue in spring 2017


Please follow the submission template [here], when submitting your contribution. Position papers are based on an extended abstract (minimum 250-300 words), and can extend towards max. 8 pages. Please use the same template when submitting a position paper, joint project idea, industrial talk, or demo. The submission system for submitting your contribution can be found on http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/Submissions/2016VisMX/.

In addition, all contribution should include a short biography (100-250 words) and a picture of the authors.

Several submissions will be published as part of a Scopus ranked conference proceeding. Selected high quality contributions will be published within an ERA listed journal special issue –  the  International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC).

 If you are submitting a demonstration or award submission, please follow the instructions on the Submissions menu. You can also find further information about the submission process there.

Supported by


  • A/Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
  • Dr. Andrew Woods, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
  • Richard Seale, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
  • Dr. Eunice Sari, AUSTRALIA
  • Adi Tedjasaputra, AUSTRALIA