
+++ Industry Collaboration

CSF:BOF – Child Safety Foundation and Augmented Reality (“Bus on Fire”)
Joyce Tsang, Toby Williams, Shawn Teo, Will Hobbs, Casey Lim

WA is falling behind national road safety. Our bus on fire AR scenario is a simulation of real-life, on-the-road threats to test children on their knowledge and instincts during an emergency. By allowing students to make their own choices may help them to gain a sense of responsibility in an engagement with the creative potential of AR technology.

The aim of this project is to find new, engaging ways to educate children on road safety through the use of augmented reality; especially in relation to:
– Raising awareness of Emergency Services.
– The do’s and don’ts during an emergency situation
– Providing a safe, engaging environment for children to begin learning about road safety.

Child Safety Foundation: Emergency Call
Shawn Teo, Casey Lim, Will Hobbs, Mathew Farmer

Child Safety Foundation project is about road safety knowledge by using iPad with AR for children to interact. We created a virtual emergency situation about the bus is on fire to educate children to call emergency 000 without showing the number on the screen. In the meantime, children have to answer some of the emergency questions on IPad and be able to pass this task. We also provided some of the emergency call information children. Not only having fun with IPad but also gain more knowledge and experience for children. So, they know what to do if there any similar situation.

+++ Data Visualisation

The Price Of Victory
Sylvain Ayrault, William Freeman

During World War 2 (WW2), the Eastern Front had the highest number of deaths for any theatre of war in human history. This conflict and its memories shaped Russian modern history and still strongly influence current world events; however, it is often neglected in western history classes.

It is difficult for many to conceptualise and visualise the sheer scale of this tragedy, both spatially and quantitatively. Understanding this terrible chapter of WW2 and its immense cost in human lives can contribute to shedding some lights on Russia’s current internal policies and its engagement on the international scene.

Craig Ireland

A graphical representation of the network model of the Wisetech’s Sapphire Transport Management System (TMS). Sapphire models logistics problems as networks of Consignment, Manifest and Run nodes. This model is powerful but counter-intuitive and difficult to learn. The Project aims to generate visual representations of networks from queries to the underlying database.

Perth Travel Time Visualisation
Eric Parkin

Visualisation of travel times in Perth suburbs using Tableau

Hazar Ayaz

World Maps and descriptive charts for social behaviors around the world and in Slovakia specifically.

Student Success and Retention
Lynn Tan

This project aims to visualise academic data of international students in order identify students at risk earlier in the pipeline and offer pastoral and academic assistance.  Currently, this is done in retrospect when the student is placed on conditional status at the end of each semester.  The business problem is to bring this remedial process forward and tailor interventions based on the issues that these students are facing.  This visualisation aims to allow pastoral staff  and academic staff to identify which students require more support and develop an individualised support plan to improve the chances of success for each individual student

Adam Greenfeld

As part of my Honours study throughout 2017, resulting in my dissertation, I have been researching into various design principles implemented into Virtual Reality applications, from a critical User Experience (UX) methodology. The aim of this was to examine what could be improved for the current state of VR/AR media, by creating guidelines which could potentially assist developers in creating content which is centered around the user‘s perspective.

These guidelines ranged from simplifying the level of user input/controls/interfaces, expanding upon the amount interactivity within an application, as well as an awareness for properly fitting movement input into the experience. These findings were based on comparative user tests conducted in the HIVE facility, in which 15 participants were asked to try out five different devices (1 tablet, 2 VR headsets, 1 HoloLens and the Cylinder display), and perform certain tasks within the applications. User data for these tests consisted of Likert/emotive scale-based questionnaires, biodata and general feedback and interviews with participants. This data was used to further expand upon the research into how users interact with VR applications, as well as how user data could be used to further improve upon designing these experiences in the future.

+++ Digital Media

Shawn Teo

An Interactive color game which starts out empty and colorless, the player then navigates through the environment, activating artifacts in order to ‘fill’ the room with colors, gaining new entry ways. Traversing the stage to the end, in face of a mysterious object that introduces the world to the player. [Oculus]

The Music [Lab]yrinth:
A visual sound and mystical magic soundscape wonderland
Brett Cowan

The aim or objective of this project is to develop a game based on the conceptual is that of the either an immersive music labyrinth or that of a mystical music soundscape, in a 3D virtual environment built in unity. Through the idea of exploration the games aim will be to form an engagement of the player/user to finding new sounds as music as they interact with objects in the space, the use of this will be through having a secret quest to finding the object, that can be engaged, which will then teleport the player to a new environment. [Curtin Hive Wedge, Oculus]

Art Gallery for VR
Chang JIN

This project applies the technology of VR, When the public use this project and wear VR glasses, they can see numbers of great paintings and hear some good music which is related to the specific paintings. [Laptop]

Jamie Dougall

The project is a simple puzzle solving game in First Person VR. The player must progress through each room obtaining a code that must be communicated in Morse code using headlamp. [Oculus]

Shannon Marlborough

Vesbius is an interactive explorative world.

Lachlan Hadwen, Sean Gustavino

Experience the Digital Renaissance like never before, and immerse yourself in the world of our literary classics. Journey through the world and narrative of Taylor Coleridge’s timeless classic “Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner” and be a part of the tale with the latest in VR technology.

Lachlan Hadwen

One small driving mistake is all it takes to lose a life, but an effective simulation experience may be all it takes to educate drivers so that this mistake never becomes there’s to make. In Australia there are over 18.8 million registered motor vehicles on the roads with an annual increase of around 2.1% (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2017).

The current traffic conditions are only becoming more and more intense as the years go by. This is only exemplified by the fact that road related deaths this year have reached over 1235. This number is only rising on average by 3.6% with each passing year. Putting children behind the wheel is becoming an ever more threatening prospect for parents who only want the best for their child.

As such we need to start thinking differently, we need to start thinking virtually. Virtual Roads: Experience Driving is built to do just that. Virtual Roads delivers Australian Children the chance to learn the ins and outs of our Roads so that they can be confident behind the wheels and never become another casualty.

VR Apartment Experience SitCom
Dong Zhao

VR experience for Sitcoms, this is a project that brings ideas for the future film and television industry for VR featured productions.

Sun Of Jan
Harshita Nagaraj

Wanted to create a virtual reality experience of the Artist Leonid Afremov for the audience to enjoy and experience art form a new and innovative point of view. This project I am trying to create is for entertainment purposes giving the audience a real-life experience.

VR Maze Game
Hans Nguyen

A VR Game where you navigate through a dark maze with light.

Western Shooter
Aaron Farrell

A western themed simulator, featuring both the DK2 and Leap Motion technologies. It depicts an immersive desert environment, with multiple targets to hit.

Jake Barker

A proof of concept displaying how a call centre based interactive game may work.