VISualization, EMerging media,
and user-EXperience
[: vis-em-ex :]
A Think-Tank and Exhibition for Collaboration,
Cross-Disciplinary Thinkers, and Visionaries
Friday, 9th November 2018, 12pm-4pm
Curtin University – ’s HIVE
Perth, Australia
- 09/11/2018: AND THE WINNERS ARE…
Best Digital Media Project
1st Place:
- Tribulation – Bayley Simonds & Callum Walker
2nd Place:
- Sleep Paralysis Experience – Junn Foon
3rd Place (tie):
- SPVRE – James van Hinsbergen
- Cognitive Improvement – Adam Hartmann
1st Place:
Best Data Visualisation
1st Place:
- Car Crash Database – Adam Hartmann & Shreyas Srikanth
2nd Place:
- Disease Visualisation – John Vianne Murcia
3rd Place (tie):
- Energy Resources and Emissions – Viviana Paola Cortes Gil & Deepti Anie Mathew
- Recorded Flu Cases Across Australia – Harsh Gorasia & Puneet Verma
1st Place:
Best Special Project Submissions
1st Place
- Hobbit Room in VR – Rebecca Kerr
2nd Place (tie)
- Abstract Music Visualisation – Brett Cowan
- Data Storytelling and Visualisation – Yangjinbo Zhang
Special Mention
- Anxious Minds – Monique & Rebecca Kerr & Jamie Dougall
1st Place
Best Digital Media Project
- 08/11/2018: Take a look at the exciting exhibition entries [here] and download the program map: [Program V1.0]
- 30/10/2018: Prof. Doug Vogel, from the School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, China will give a keynote talk entitled: “Research with Impact and Making Difference”
- 30/10/2018: the invitation for exhibition entries for VisMedia students can be found
- 30/9/2018: Please take a look at least year’s projects that have been exhibited in 2017 [projects that have been exhibited in 2017] and at the [latest list of exciting speakers that presented in 2017].
- 01/08/2017: Also in 2017 there will be a Vis-Em-Ex conference. Please take a look at the program from 2016, to see what will also await you in 2017!
Welcome to the 3rd Western Australian Symposium on Visualization, Emerging Media, and User-Experience! The aim of the symposium is to lay ground for a yearly symposium and develop towards a leading forum for inter-disciplinary thinkers of industrial professionals, academics, and practitioners to discuss and present the latest emerging trends in media, visualization, human-computer interaction, and the use of new emerging technologies in industry-university cooperation in teaching and research.
The purpose of the symposium is to provide an inter-disciplinary event and gather a committed community to continue cooperating together beyond the event on other larger scale activities such as collaborative funding proposals, scientific events, industry-university collaborations, or simply other networking activities. The event consist of the following major sub-events:
- Keynote Talks
- Project Exhibition: Visualisation and Interactive Media Exhibition
The main themes of the symposium address the following major tracks. The aims to attract visitors with backgrounds from industry, design, communication studies, computer science, or business.
- Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality
- Information, Data, Knowledge, and Cultural Visualization
- User-Experience, and Human-Computer-Interaction
- Media Studies, Screen Arts, and Socio-Technological Environments
- Digital Media and New Technologies in Education
- Revenue Models, Digital Innovations, Policies, and Business Processes
Friday, 9th November 2018
13:15-14:00: Opening
- 13:15-13:20: A/Prof. Dr. Paul Genomi, Discipline Lead LARIS (opening)
- 13:20-13:25: A/Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr & Wesley Lamont (VisMedia intro)
13:30-13:55: Keynotes
- Prof. Doug Vogel – Keynote Talk
- 13:55-14:10: Adam Greenfeld – former VisMedia alumni
12:00-16:00: Exhibition
- Data Visualisation and Interactive Media Exhibition
15:00-16:30: Coffee & Refreshments
- Served in the Atrium of Curtin’s HIVE
Approx. 15:30: Announcements of VisMX Award Winners
- Best Interactive Media Project, Best Data Visualisation Project, Special Mentions
Please find all the exhibition entries [here].
Keynote: Prof. Doug Vogel – “Research With Impact and Making Difference”
Prof. Doug Vogel is Professor of Information Systems (IS) at the Harbin School of Management and an Association for Information Systems (AIS) Fellow as well as AIS Past President and, currently, Director of the eHealth Research Institute for the Harbin Institute of Technology School of Management in China. He received his M.S. in Computer Science from U.C.L.A. and his Ph.D. in Business Administra-tion (Management Information Systems) from the University of Minnesota where he was also research coordinator for the MIS Research Center. In a ten year rela-tionship with a Colorado electronics manufacturer he served in virtually every technical and managerial capacity including Director of Engineering, General Manager and Board of Directors. He has published widely and been recognized as the most-cited IS author in Asia Pacific. Professor Vogel’s teaching and research interests integrate societal, business and academic communities in addressing is-sues of information system creation and impact on aspects of interpersonal communication, group problem solving, cooperative learning, knowledge man-agement, multi-cultural team productivity, and healthcare. His interests reflect a concern for encouraging efficient and effective utilization of computer systems in an atmosphere conducive to enhancing the quality of life. He is especially active in introducing group support technology into healthcare enterprises and educa-tional systems. His particular focus emphasizes integration of audio, video, and data in interactive distributed group support. He is currently engaged in introduc-ing mobile devices and support for integrated collaborative applications in educa-tional and healthcare systems with a focus on well-being. Additional detail can be found at
One of the latest publications of Prof. Doug Vogel is intended to help future academics in their future careers, and freely available under open access: Managing and Leading Creative Universities – Foundations of Successful Science Management: A Hands-On Guide for (Future) Academics
Exhibition: Data Visualisation and Interactive Media
Latest works around the wider theme ‘Visualisation and Interactive Media’ will be presented during this event. Most of these works have been created by Curtin University students as part of their studies of VisMedia courses. If you want to learn more about VisMedia, please follow [this link].
More information about the exhibition and the works from 2016 [here].
The list of exhibition entries can be found [here].
Industry Talks and Keynotes – Careers in Screen Arts
Some of the past years’ keynote speakers include:
- James Lush – CEO/Founder of Lush Digital and ABC Radio presenter: major big players in WA content marketing and media production
- Sam Fields – co-founder of Periscope Pictures: specialising in online documentary and transmedia projects
- Melanie Santiago – founder of Contour Media: medium size organisation making corporate videos for NFP and the commercial sector
- Derrik Yaw – multi-award winning Curtin Screen Arts graduate, based in KL
- David Gribble – CEO Child Safety Foundation
The event is free of charge and on a self-catering basis. To keep it free of charge, we only will provide some minor snacks and coffees. If you like to attend the event, please register on Eventbrite. We had a rather high attendee number in 2016, and places are limited! You can find more information how to register [here].
- Curtin University
- Curtin’s Visualisation and Interactive Media (VisMedia Lab.)
- Curtin’s HIVE (Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch)
- Association for Information System SIG eMedia (AIS SIG eMedia)
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA)
- International Association for Ambient Media (iAMEA)
- A/Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
- Dr. Andrew Woods, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
- Richard Seale, Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
- Dr. Eunice Sari, AUSTRALIA
- Adi Tedjasaputra, AUSTRALIA